Leading the Way With Sustainable Practices
to Enrich Our Soil and Community.
Certified Organic
Lakeview Hill Farm & Market is a certified organic produce and cut flower farm located in Traverse City, MI. We specialize in greenhouse and hoophouse production and supply high quality vegetables and cut flowers to local grocery stores, restaurants, a 200-person CSA through MI Farm Coop, and our year-round Farm Market.
We are committed to utilizing renewable energy in all aspects of the farm. With agriculture being one of the largest consumers of fossil fuels, we believe it is extremely important to lead the way with practices that sustain the environment and financially benefit the business.
Utilize solar panels to supply the farm with 75% of it’s energy needs
Heat the farmstead and main propagation greenhouse with a high-efficiency gasification wood boiler system using invasive wood collected from the farms woodlot, while managing our farms woodlot with a sustainable forest management plan
Incorporate methods that enhance the farms ecosystem, such as establishing a 7-acre wildflower and pollinator habitat, planting over 500 trees and shrubs, and we partner with a local beekeeper to provide a habitat for bees on the farm
We do our best to minimize plastic waste on the farm. To provide the best quality organic greens with the lowest environmental impact, we:
Package our greens in recyclable materials
Purchase clamshells that are made with 100% post-consumer recycled plastic
Continuously look for more thoughtful packaging that is better for the environment and helps keep our produce fresh.
Growing Community
We are committed to growing food for our local community. Everything we grow is for local restaurants, grocery stores, local schools, and our year-round farm market - all within 16 miles of the farm!
And at the Farm Market, 90% of the products sold are made locally in northern Michigan!
To grow and provide quality organic produce and cut flowers, sustaining northern Michigan with local agriculture year-round.
Our Mission
Our Vision
To strengthen our role as a hub for sustainable, locally grown food—while also creating job opportunities for young farmers and chefs interested in building a career in agriculture.
Our Story
In 2017, farm owners John Dindia and Bailey Samp started Lakeview Hill Farm & Market. Having met while traveling in South America, they quickly realized their mutual love for local food, community, and traveling. Driven by their love for northern Michigan and shared passion for organic farming, they returned to Traverse City. Since then, they have diligently worked to create fulfilling careers in agriculture for both themselves and other aspiring young farmers who share their vision.
The farm has evolved from a small dream into a thriving year-round sustainable business, with a dedicated team of 12 year-round and 8 seasonal employees. The farm and market is proudly women owned and operated, from our farm and cut flower managers to our in-house chef, market manager, content creator, and market staff, our team is the backbone of our business and plays a vital role in helping offer an abundant supply of fresh, local vegetables and cut flowers year-round.